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Mental Health Day

Sometimes you just need a mental health day. A break from it all. A time to refuel. I’m taking mine […]
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Just Doodling some thoughts this morning. Childhood memories creep up in my minds eye. Stick figures and coloring books. Crayons […]
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How’s your heart today?

Good morning lovelies. I just want to ask you, how are you doing? How’s your heart today? Are you taking […]
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Sometimes I am presented with words that I believe God sends me when He needs me to get hyper-focused and […]
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Good morning lovelies. Looking at this picture you’d think I was writing something serious and deep. But journaling for me […]
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Finding my sea legs

Hello community! Been quiet for a few, quietly finding my sea legs in my new normal. Working on: 1. Learning […]
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Remembering vs Dwelling

As I took my morning walk, I noticed I wasn’t as present as when I first arrived here. The trees […]
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Buen Dia

BUEN DIA! Early this morning I took a drive with my husband to a locally owned wood shop to pick […]
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Connect and Create

It’s always time to Connect and Create! I’m getting the itch! I LOVE the written word! And even more so […]
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Desired Destination

I’m not sure who needs to hear this… I don’t know what you’ve lost what you’ve gained what you’ve been […]
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Good morning lovelies! I got to thinking this morning about dreams. Yes, me and my many thoughts! The dreams we […]
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Nature Is…

Nature Is… Nature is naturing Cows are cowing Goats are goating Birds are birding Roosters are roosting Hens are henning […]
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A Woman In Search of Her Word

I recently watched an old favorite movie and book of mine “Eat, Pray, Love” and one of the moments was […]
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The Heat of Change!

Hello lovelies. Today has been the first day of many many days of much welcomed cool down. Being in the […]
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Who You Are

Good morning lovelies. As a writer I am inspired by other writers who inspire and remind me that we are […]
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Mommy Meltdown Moments: The struggle is real!

My mind is a curious thing. Today I reminisced back to my mommy meltdown moments when my chitlins were just […]
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Crones, Hags and Maidens

Crone and hags once were positive words for women. Crone comes from crown, indicating wisdom. emanating from the head; hag […]
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Thou Art Woman!

The flip of a page, the sound of the wind. The thoughts running back and forth from within. We search […]
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Every drop we pour, every moment we give, every boundary we let up, every experience we let in, and every […]
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Momtemplating Change

I woke up this morning to my husband asking me “Are you feeling better?” to which I gratefully replied “Yes” […]
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Happy Mothers Day

Happy mothers day to all of you in our community who are tireless in their love and pouring out to […]
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Being Neighborly

Memories of doors being left open, screen doors slamming being open and shut, knocks on the doors from your friends […]
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Breaking Open

Integrity, opening, breaking open. The breaking out of a shell. When does one start to break open? When they have […]
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Grateful for Change

I couldn’t have said this a year ago but now since moving to our newly built home in the DR […]
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Momteplating Shalom: Shalom is a Hebrew word meaning peace. Shalom also means: “everything in its proper place” I feel like […]
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Accepting the Invitation to take the Journey solely meant for you.

There are times in our lives where we are met with an invitation to take a journey that is meant […]
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New morning, new rising, nature always teaching.

What does one do when going through a major life change? What does one do when you have entered new […]
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Day’s 6-8 living in the DR.

Momtemplating: A cup of coffee. This move to a new country has presented me with an opportunity to look at […]
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Day 5 Living in the DR

If you build it, they will come. We built it, and we came. Woke up to roosters crowing, dogs barking, […]
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Day 4 – Living Abroad in the DR

Waking up to little critters who lost themselves in my makeup bag of all places. Moved him/her back outside. My […]
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3rd Day Living in the DR

Good morning lovelies. My third day in the DR and I’ve noticed so much of my mind activity of the […]
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Day 2 Reflections on Moving Abroad

Good morning lovelies! Today marks day 2 of my journey living abroad, and as I wake up to the sound […]
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Momtemplating letting go!

Good morning lovelies. Momtemplating letting go! My daughter sent me a text this morning asking me how I was feeling […]
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Mama is leaving the nest

Good morning lovelies! What a journey it’s been! As you all know I have been counting down the days before […]
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Sacred Dance

Good morning lovelies. A beautiful poem I found reminding us that we were created for joy. May we all find […]
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Fairy Tales

March 15th, 1998 marked the start of our own fairy tale, with two young dreamers venturing into the unknown. But […]
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Letting Go

“We need, in love, to practice only this: letting each other go. For holding on comes easily; we do not […]
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Today I woke up feeling anxious with thoughts of moving to another country and leaving my oldest children behind. It’s […]
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Borrowing Faith

Borrowing someone else’s faith when you’re feeling low can be a profound experience. Have you ever found yourself in a […]
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Build the life you will remember

The time is now to build the life you will remember. Sometimes we get lost in the busyness of life […]
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Whispers of God

Nature continues to teach us. My favorite tree I visit on my walks in my favorite nature preserve. It’s as […]
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Sharing my morning musings. I call this: WANDERING she wandered and wandered until she could no more, walking down the […]
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What we digest

A few things on my mind…this quote sums it all up. Love S It’s not what we eat but what […]
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Just Being

We didn’t want to be something when we were with God in the Garden of Eden. We already were. Just […]
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Making room for all of it and hugging trees in the process. Love S Things falling apart is a kind […]
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How are you feeling?

Good morning lovelies. In one word, how are you feeling? Me? Grateful. Although I woke up with heavy feelings (it […]
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Creativity takes courage

I applaud you! Honest to God truth for those of us that some days/most days, would prefer to stay with […]
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And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it […]
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New Year

As we move into a brand new year, what are you taking with you, what are you leaving behind and […]
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Angel Messages Sometimes you need a reminder that there is plenty of kindness in the world. These rocks I collected […]
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Created for this

Creatives..the healers. Writers retreat. More of this please! Sharing sacred space with a Community of Five other beautiful souls. My […]
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Date with yourself

Retreating is a very important necessary for all creatives. (and we are all creatives whether you realize it or not) […]
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The world is your canvas

Good morning lovelies! What are you imagining this morning? The world is your canvas calling for you to create the […]
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Nature Awaits You.

Good morning lovelies. We don’t realize how nature hugs us. How it waits for us to show up and pay […]
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Good morning lovelies. How did you receive this week? Were you like the trees stretching your arms wide open, receiving […]
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What I Hope You Know

Good morning lovelies. I hope that you know beautiful lady that you are perfect just as you are right now […]
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Simple Things

Good morning lovelies. Contemplating the Simple Things. What are you looking forward to? I am looking forward to the simple […]
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Spiritual Practice

Good morning lovelies. Contemplating Spiritual Practices What is your daily spiritual practice? That thing that connects you to your heart, […]
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Just Be Still

Good morning lovelies! Contemplating Mindfulness Love this poem about being present. Giving ourselves permission to just be still and get […]
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Contemplating Surrender As things outside ourselves continue to move and be, the chaos very real, we can feel a lot […]
silhouette of woman raising her right hand
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Contemplating Grace, mercy, love.

Good morning lovelies. This poem struck me this morning. Love S Contemplating Grace, mercy, love. Teach me to feel another’s […]
three women sitting wooden bench by the tulip flower field
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Art Ignites Imagination

Hello lovelies. “Close friends are truly life’s treasures. Sometimes they know us better than we know ourselves. With gentle honesty, […]
a woman is making a vase out of clay
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Wheel Life

As the community moves towards incorporating a creative writing space where we will have healing and connecting through creative writing […]
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What’s next to your bedside?

Good morning lovelies! As a writer and someone who loves to read, my bedside is a mishmash of read and […]
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Magnificent Creation

Good morning lovelies. Just a reminder in case you need reminding or need to hear this. You are the sisters, […]
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Grass is Greener

Good morning lovelies! Is the grass greener. Dissatisfaction: Comparison I looked through others’ windows On an enchanted earth But out […]
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Contemplating Renewal

Good morning lovelies. I Love this poem from s.c lourie. It speaks to where I’ve been of late. The emotions […]
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Contemplating Community

Good morning lovelies “when the world comes crashing at your feet it’s okay to let others help pick up the […]
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Contemplating Ancestry

Good morning lovelies. Knowing your history. “The fact that the bridge is shaky does not mean it will break”-Igbo Tribe […]
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Monday Morning Mood Contemplation

Good morning lovelies Felt like starting the day with a poem. “Tell me, what is it you plan to do […]
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Living your best life!

Good morning lovelies! This is the view from my 20 year old youngest sons room from the house he has […]
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Sharing Some Wins

Good morning lovelies! Let’s end the week sharing some wins! For me its finalizing the final edits on my first […]
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The Holy Instant

Good morning lovelies. As I sat looking out my window this morning, trying to calm my many thoughts running through […]
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Good morning lovelies! Full transparency. So I woke up today wondering what I would share to encourage our beautiful community […]
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Set Your Mind

Good morning lovelies. As a writer, one of my recent non-negotiable that is a part of my morning routine to […]
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Looking back

Good morning lovelies! Once upon a long time ago I was…now I’m… Yes, that’s me at the ripe young age […]
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Life Reminder

Good morning lovelies. Us with our youngest son at the airport on his way to Columbia for a month. Just […]
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Adventure Awaits You!

Good morning lovelies! Adventure Awaits You! Road-trip! Where to next? I have caught the travel bug. Wanting to explore new […]
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Time and Tenderness

Good morning lovelies. Time and Tenderness. Sometimes we can find ourselves in moments where we need to stop and ask […]
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We are all creatives

Hello my lovelies! Part of my life’s journey and that I will never let go of has been through writing. […]
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Once Upon a Time

The stories of once upon a time. Being back home was filled with so many special moments. Love, laughter, dancing, […]
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Honoring those who have gone before us

Perfect ending to a long overdue yet perfectly timed homecoming. A very important part of my homecoming was visiting my […]
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Nature, valleys, artisans and creatives all living together amongst these vast mountains. Carving out a space for themselves where there […]
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Nature Personified

I had forgotten how beautiful the place where I grew up is. Colorado is nature personified. The camera can not […]
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Being Home

Being back home brings up a lot of mixed emotions. It is definitely a homecoming to self in so many […]
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About yourself

Good morning lovelies. This wisdom applies as much as to what you say and think about yourself just as much […]
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A Playground Awaits

Good morning lovelies. There is a playground that awaits you to come and play in. What is your Bliss and […]
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Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda.

Good morning lovelies! Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda. As we start our week sometimes we can look back and think about the […]
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Momtemplative Creative Writing

Good morning lovelies! Thanks to all of you for your dedication to this group! Social media can be a double […]
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Reset, Recharge and Renew

Good morning lovelies! Today is a great day to RESET RECHARGE and RENEW Whatever that looks like for you give […]
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Good morning lovelies. When is the last time you’ve put pen to paper, licked an envelope, stamp and walked a […]
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I Am Writer

Good morning lovelies. I Am Writer Today marks the day where I have accepted and owed that I am writer. […]
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Good morning lovelies! It’s all about the family. Your immediate and chosen family. We recently did a photo shoot for […]
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Finding the Meaning

Good morning lovelies. Ladies, it starts and ends with us. How we think and say to ourselves. The world will […]
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Good morning lovelies. A quote from one of my favorite people blessing us on this planet. She says it all […]
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Good morning lovelies. “All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.” Martin Buber Being open to new […]
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My Own Place of Patience

Good morning lovelies. Read this quote this morning and hit home for me. Learning everyday to let go of control […]
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You Are A Love Legacy

Good morning lovelies. Hearing this morning about the recent passing of a friends mother made me think of my mother […]
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“Earth has no sorrow that earth can not heal.” ― John Muir Good morning lovelies. I have found that practicing […]
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Letting Go

Good morning lovelies. This past year has brought about an intentional cleaning of house so to speak. Having a deep […]
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Latch Key Kid

Good morning lovelies. Were you a Latch Key Kid? ???? (???? of two of my minions.) As I’ve been recuperating […]
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The Seedling

Good morning lovelies. Been feeling under the weather so while I rest, sharing a poem I found by Paul Laurence […]
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Love over fear

Hello lovelies. This has been my week of choosing love through fear, sadness, uncertainty, discomfort, disappointment…all the things. Moving through […]
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Not Forgotten

Good morning lovelies. There was a time where we were going through some major financial struggles and we felt so […]
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Miracles From the Mundane

Miracles born from the mundane. I wrote a post yesterday about being in the IN IT of life and how […]
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The In It of life

Good morning lovelies. This is a picture of some of the donated flowers a friend and I organized and handed […]
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Rest, refuge, fortress

Where do you go when you are in need of these? Lately this is all I want is rest, a […]
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Be A Rainbow

Good morning lovelies. A reminder by the late and great Maya Angelou “to be a blessing to somebody today. Be […]
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Tender Moments

Good morning lovelies. Love how the sun is shining through the clouds casting light on the top of our home […]
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Good morning lovelies. “What’s the bravest thing you ever said?” asked the boy.“Help” said the horse.“Asking for help isn’t giving […]
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Life is not Linear

Good morning lovelies. It’s been a rollercoaster ride these past few months as you all know. ????Biggest lesson I’ve learned […]
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First Day of School

Good morning lovelies. As you all know I started working a new job going into a physical office as a […]
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This Too Shall Pass

Good morning lovelies. Sharing my future home in the DR with you ladies. It’s 85% completed. It brings me so […]
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Investing In A Therapist

Good morning lovelies. Even though I feel blessed in my life the past few weeks have been a bit of […]
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Last Night As I Was Sleeping

Good morning lovelies. A dear friend of mine shared a poem with me this morning that resonated with me. I […]
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Loved Ones

Good morning lovelies. There are moments in life that take your breathe away. This was one of them. This is […]
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Good morning lovelies. Something I was pondering this morning about nature as I have been settling back into being home […]
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Life Experiences

Good morning lovelies. Something I tapped into this morning about comparing your healing/spiritual journey to someone else’s. DONT DO IT! […]
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Good morning lovelies. As I prepare to head back to the states I am setting my heart and mind for […]
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Peace In Our Lives

Good morning lovelies. This is the view from our house we are building in the DR. I’m sitting here on […]
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Self Love

Good morning ladies. Serving others does not mean you sacrifice your own self care. There must be a healthy balance. […]
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Find A Space

Good morning ladies. Having adventures and more breakthroughs here in my future home in the DR. Being in a place […]
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Good morning ladies. Lessons learned collected from my tool belt…breakdowns always lead to breakthroughs. If your currently going through a […]
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Taking Time Away

Good morning ladies. My view this morning from our location where we are staying in the Dominican Republic. Taking this […]
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One moment at a time

Good morning ladies. How did you wake up feeling this morning? Sad, glad…anxious maybe? How were your thoughts? Were they […]
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Move towards peace

Good morning ladies. What do you need this morning to help you move towards peace. I woke up feeling a […]
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How did you wake up feeling this morning?

Good morning ladies. For those of us who may wake up feeling not our best selves. This is something I […]
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For anyone who may need to hear this. Something I am moving through lately by bringing all of my hurt […]
brown grass
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Be Kind and Gentle With Yourself

Good morning ladies. It’s so easy to leave ourselves behind in the business of life. It’s only when our bodies […]
person holding yellow petaled flower
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Stay The Course

Spiritual journeying can find you at moments where you feel like you are lost and don’t recognize the landscape of […]
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Hands Reaching

Hands reaching out can be in the giving or receiving position. You’re either the giver or the receiver. We are […]
Good morning ladies! I was recently asked what was the funniest movie I’ve seen. I had to take some time to think about it. It made me think about when is the last time I truly laughed. That moment between you and a friend where you both look at each other because something you both saw or heard triggers the same reaction and you both get the “joke”. “Don’t look at me”one friend says to the other because you know if you look at each other the laugh that is stuck in your throat will come out and disturb the peace. So you both chuckle under your breath and the chuckle turns into a grunt. Both your bodies start to shake from trying to suppress the laugh that is bubbling up to the surface until you both cannot contain it any longer and the laugh releases from your mouths and hysteria sets in where you both throw your bodies on the floor letting the extreme joy of the feeling of laughter takes over. The kind of laugh where you grab your bellies and you cry so hard the tears roll down your cheek while you choke out “stop, I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe”! One of the joys of life. It’s orgasmic. That’s one intention I have this year. Is to laugh more. What memory do you have where you laughed so hard you cried? (Oh and a movie that made me laugh…Rat Race with Cuba Gooding Jr.) 😂😂 Love S
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Good morning ladies! I was recently asked what was the funniest movie I’ve seen. I had to take some time […]
A red rose.
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Mothers Love

I woke up missing my mother. The truest form of Gods love to me was in the form of my […]
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Not Wanting Anything

Good morning ladies. Thought this morning. Some days not wanting anything is exactly what you need. Just being fully present […]
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Good morning ladies! Take a moment and think about this. One of the words someone shared from our Looking Forward […]
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Looking Forward 2023

Good morning ladies. I hope we all had a good nights rest and woke up looking forward to your day. […]
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Keeping Promises

Good morning ladies. Day 6 of 2023. I’ve been a part of a group of women where we are committed […]
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Self Care

Good morning ladies. Day 4 of 2023. So this is a face of someone who woke up a bit wonky […]
sunlight with cloudy blue sky beauytiful scene
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Good evening ladies! How was everyone’s third day of the New year thus far? For me? Well…I woke up a […]
long shot woman climbing a rock next to the ocean
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2023 is here!

Hello Ladies. 2023 is here! Can you believe it!? This is the face of someone who has come through it! […]
woman smiling while being in a car ride
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Who’s ready for 2023?

I’m going into it arms wide open and full of child like wonder! Set your intentions ladies! You are already […]
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Hello Ladies. I hope everyone enjoyed their time with your families over the holidays. I’m sure we are all contemplating […]
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Suffering can be transmuted to compassion and a deeper understanding of ourselves and the human condition. Suffering can come from […]
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I Will No Longer Abandon Myself

It has taken me a long time to figure out the anger and sadness I had in some past relationships […]
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At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has […]
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Good night ladies. No matter where you’re at stay connected to your loved ones. Sweet dreams and sleep well. Love […]
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I Wave Good-bye When Butter Flies

Good morning ladies. A fun childrens poem to spark the imagination to start our day. Love S I Wave Good-bye […]
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Teachers come in many forms. Do you have a teacher in your life that had a great impact on you? […]
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Lifting each other up

Here’s to lifting each other up ladies! Love S “The success of every woman should be the inspiration to another. […]
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Take Care Of Yourself

Good morning ladies. Again…A reminder about taking caring of yourself this week. Self sacrifice doesn’t mean martyrdom. Your needs matter […]
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Blissful Sleep

Good night ladies. Hope everyone had a great weekend, maybe discovered some new things about yourself that was an aha […]
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Me Too

Good morning ladies. Love S “remember taking care of yourself doesn’t mean “me first,” it means “me too.” The UnBusy […]
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A Poem for Someone Who is Juggling Her Life

Good morning ladies. A poem to start your day. There is power in being still. Love S A Poem for […]
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You have a voice

Good night ladies. For whoever needs to hear this. No matter what you think, you have a voice and you […]
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Be kind to yourself

Good morning, ladies. Sometimes if not most times it is us that needs that touch, smile, kind word a listening […]
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Good morning, ladies. Sometimes it’s just a switch of your perspective that will be the key to unlocking a whole […]
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Good morning, ladies. Sometimes in our most difficult days we don’t feel like talking about it. We just need our […]
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In the middle of nowhere

Good night, ladies. It’s amazing to me that somewhere out there in the middle of nowhere is somewhere for somebody […]
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Take a moment

Mornings can be rough depending on how you slept. For me waking up at 4am with many thoughts waiting for […]
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Let go

I have learned to let go of relationships that were very one sided. I am very much wired to take […]
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Be there

Good morning, ladies. Wherever you are, whoever you’re with today…be there. Love S The present moment is the only thing […]
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Sending love

Good morning, good morning, good morning, ladies! Hope everyone had a very restful sleep. I did ok. Crazy in color […]
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Without the roots the tree dies

It is in the roots, not the branches, that a tree’s greatest strength lies. Matshona Dhliwayo Without the roots the […]
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Create a canvas of a life

Good morning, ladies. As a little girl I used to read so many books and get lost in the stories […]
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You are more than the sum of your parts

Good morning, ladies.There’s an old saying that “you are more than the sum of your parts.” I come from the […]
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Keeping our heads up

Good morning, ladies. Here’s to keeping our heads up pointed towards the sun and to hope. Love S “I am […]