I Am Writer

July 12, 2023

Good morning lovelies.

I Am Writer

Today marks the day where I have accepted and owed that I am writer. It is who I am in all of my complexities. I am complicated, compassionate, loving, jealous, fearful and fearless gentle and roar like a lion. I love hard and hurt deeply and like a bull in a china shop can break things and make a mess. I love that I am all these things. It makes me interesting and no I don’t have to be like anyone else. I don’t have a pedigree or badges or a long list of rewards. My badge of honor is my life and how I have moved through it all these years molding and making myself into who I want to be. And in all that I have discovered I am exactly who I’m meant to be. Me. Someone who loves the written words and the smell of books and retreats and butterflies and all things that inspire one’s heart to create. I finally own all the parts of me that help me create. All the wonderful messy parts of me. They are each one important and no longer will I deny them but seek to understand them and allow them to express themselves in ways, forms that are not harmful to me or anyone else. Children need expression and guidance and these are my children. I have let them run amuck for a very long time but now I am paying attention and fully present asking them what they need and taking their hands in support and letting them teach me as well. I am grateful for this day because it is the first day in a forever that I finally get it. At least for now. I am writer. Love S