Borrowing Faith

March 11, 2024

Borrowing someone else’s faith when you’re feeling low can be a profound experience. Have you ever found yourself in a season of life where your faith is just low? Where you lack the emotional, mental, or spiritual energy to believe your way through a difficult time? Those are times I am intimately familiar with, and I’ve had to lean on the faith of others to carry me through. And that’s perfectly okay. That’s what community is all about: holding each other up when we’re weary and worn. It’s about reaching out and letting others know that you need their love, support, and prayers.

I used to try to go it alone, not wanting to burden others, always striving to be the source of encouragement and support for everyone else. But I’ve learned the power of asking for help and allowing myself to be vulnerable.

Time and time again, when I’ve been at my worst and weakest, it’s the love of those who have come alongside me that has seen me through. Their unwavering support restores my faith and strengthens my heart, reminding me of the profound blessing it is to have family and friends who love you at your lowest, helping you heal.

And it instills in me a deep compassion to be there for someone else during their own season of need, to offer them the faith they need to keep going. Love S