Thou Art Woman!

May 16, 2024

The flip of a page, the sound of the wind.

The thoughts running back and forth from within.

We search and we hope to hear that special call

to adventure

and wonder

and awe.

But when will we heed the call?

The call that whispers in our ears at night, enticing us towards an incredible sight.

Deep down it calls us to the depth of our souls.

We each are called but who will venture out to what adventures behold?

Oh, friend curiosity, take me towards the courage to pick up my sword and take the challenge.

To live an uncomfortable wild and curious life. The life only a woman of wildness can invite.

Women, oh women, you are the spine of the earth.

Your wondrous and magical, the portal of birth. No longer bow down to the ones that would kill us.

You are the seed from the beginning and will always be with us.

Woman oh woman how wondrous you are.

God made you with love power and awe!

So, Go forth, go forth and capture your dreams.

Take your adventures,

write your stories,

lift up and send out your voice

for you are a warrior

a champion

a powerful queen!

So this is our mantra for women of all ages . Live, live.. live!

Sherry Taveras ©️

Love S