Spiritual Practice

November 3, 2023

Good morning lovelies.

Contemplating Spiritual Practices

What is your daily spiritual practice? That thing that connects you to your heart, spirit..God? I write because I find it is an expression of words that I cannot find on my own that connects me to the deeper parts of me, hidden away, unnoticed and unseen that spirit only can bring out. In its own nature knowing how I am wired brings out of me what I couldn’t think up on my own. There is a freedom I find in that. And it’s a gift for me as I get to witness what comes from these moments of free writing as if God’s way of wanting to share with me the depths of things so beautiful that I wouldn’t have received on my own if I didn’t sit still and allow. When I’m journaling, I’m not thinking about what I’m going to say or caring about who is going to listen. It’s a freedom for me to release everything that wants to come through. Some days it flows, others can be short and surprising and sometimes it’s inspired thoughts I am compelled to write. Some I share, like this, and others are just for me and the paper. And it’s these moments that keep me connected to my heart, spirit..God. What’s yours? What’s your daily spiritual practice? A walk in the park? Meditating? Prayer? That cup of coffee early in the morning while everyone is still asleep? It’s yours to define, refine, and create. No one else business how or what that feels like for you. If it connects you to your heart, spirit, and God…well there you have it. Love S