Once Upon a Time

August 25, 2023

The stories of once upon a time. Being back home was filled with so many special moments. Love, laughter, dancing, sitting still, shared memories and new discovered untold stories amongst siblings. We all have our individual lived experience in the family dynamics. Whether you are the only child, first born, middle or youngest we each have our perspective in how we experienced our childhood. I was the middle child and lived a very quiet, observant keep the peace please experience. Our parents being the nucleus as we orbited around them figuring our way through. I have gained so much wisdom from this trip home. This was not a vacation for me but a gathering of so much more of an understanding and appreciation of what family is and is not. Memories that were once difficult for me to accept or process now I understand. Our parents bring their lived experience into the family and do the best they can with what they were given. Having children of my own…I get it. I come home bringing all the parts of me back with a sense of peace and acceptance of my whole lived experience in the Baker family. Family can be complicated, hard and beautiful all in different moments in time. I hold each experience close to my heart with compassion, forgiveness and understanding. I know this now for sure..Once upon a time, I was loved, am loved and I love them right back. Love S❤️