Shining Light

July 24, 2024

Good morning lovelies!

“Let nothing dim the light that shines from within.”


How’s your light shining this morning? I know for me I have to check on my light now and then to make sure it’s not dimming. How do you know your light is dimming? For me, it can be the thoughts that I have allowed to enter into my beliefs. Listening to negative thoughts. How it appears in my actions. Not doing the things that bring me joy, or connecting with my community.

I am learning so much about how important it is to keep my light ignited especially now that I am in a different country, trying to acclimate to a new life, new language, and new culture. It has not been easy, even though I’m in paradise. I have had to learn a new way of asking for help. To reach out to loved ones when I feel lost or alone in my new environment. When I’m missing kids, friends, habits, and routines that were ingrained in me for years. So I would say, in the great Maya Angelou’s wisdom, is that for me, do not let all of this change dim my light. Do not retreat, isolate, and hide from all of the emotions that come with deep change. To trust that all of this is a part of fanning my flame so that I can shine brighter to help others find their way through. “To let nothing dim the light that shines within.” Maya Angelou

Love S