
July 6, 2024

Good morning lovelies. Looking at this picture you’d think I was writing something serious and deep. But journaling for me is different from my writing. Its just about brain dumping any and everything that is coming through my Stream of conscious. It doesn’t have to make any sense, have any order to it or have any rhyme or reason. I don’t journal it to share it or read it back to myself for some revelation. It’s just allowing whatever to come through…come. There is something very therapeutic about this practice for me. It’s like unclogging a backed-up sink, taking off the external pressures by releasing the internal thoughts. No judgment, no corrections or edits, or time limit. Just a peaceful allowing. A purge of all that I don’t even know needs to come through. Gibberish and all. I’ve found it gives me something magical in return. My creativity for my writing feels more robust and clear. I don’t know why it is that way. It just is and I trust it. This is probably one of my favorite things to do that is in my toolbox for connecting to the writer in me. It is a spiritual practice for me that grounds me. Which for me is such a gift especially even more so finding myself in a new, extremely new season in my life. A lot of brain-dumping going on. ???? I highly recommend it. Love S❤️