It takes time to bloom

September 30, 2024

Good morning, lovelies.

“Like these flowers it takes time to bloom and grow.” (I took this picture by our property) 📸

“Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves come when life seems most challenging.”

—Joseph Campbell

This quote hit me like a ton of bricks as I’ve been facing many challenges that come with change, as you all know. These past four years have felt like I’ve been transported into a new dimension, met with significant resistance on my part. I have a love-hate relationship with change. I embrace it when I can control it, but I resist it with all my might when I can’t. (I’ve been learning that you’re truly never in control.)

I’m really trying to embrace all of this change. I see it as an opportunity to discover deeper strengths within myself through the challenges life has recently presented. Here are some insights I’ve gained:

Compassion: Instead of judging and criticizing myself, I’m meeting myself with deep compassion, allowing time and patience to navigate all this change.

Forgiveness: I’ve managed to forgive myself and others for the deep hurts experienced during this process. This has been the most healing power I’ve discovered so far.

Gentleness: I often used to believe that crying and struggling were signs of weakness. I’ve realized that expressing these emotions is necessary for moving through them. I was raised to hide my feelings, but I’m learning to cultivate gentleness and acknowledge all my emotions. (I highly recommend this.)

Time: People, please give yourselves time to adapt to change. This has been one of my biggest lessons—do not rush it. You’ll miss the lessons if you do. The wonderful thing I’ve learned is that grace is abundant when we try to rush through it. Life will keep bringing you back to the lessons until you relax and let go. (It’s a daily choice.)

I share these life lessons with you because I love you and want to show what’s possible for someone who fights and struggles with the discomfort of change. If I can grow and evolve through it all, so can you. There’s an opportunity for you to cultivate deeper strengths. I am your witness to what’s possible. I love you all so very much! Go deeper—you will find your power waiting for you there!

Love, S.❤️