Finding my sea legs

July 4, 2024

Hello community! Been quiet for a few, quietly finding my sea legs in my new normal.

Working on:

1. Learning to drive on these country roads.

2. The heat and humidity????(miss that CAC)❄️????

3. Learning the language. (major work in progress) ????

4. Waking up to rooster crowing and cows lined up at your back stone wall. (love this)????

5. Bugs, bugs and more bugs! ???????? don’t love this so much????)

6. Wrapping my mind around the fact that this is my new home. For real real!

and so much more if you can imagine.

There have been blow-ups, blow outs, meltdowns, imploding and exploding of emotions. Yes, even in all this beauty one still has to face their demons. And mine have come out in full force since I have zero distractions to ignore them. And I will say…I am grateful for it all. I wouldn’t change anything. Looking forward to sharing it all with you hoping my journey helps you a bit on yours. So if I’m a bit quiet on here you know I’m doing the work as I’m getting acclimated to my new wonderful, wacky world. Love S❤️