How’s your heart today?

July 16, 2024

Good morning lovelies.

I just want to ask you, how are you doing? How’s your heart today? Are you taking care of yourself lately? Are you allowing yourself the time, patience and compassion to grow into the challenges of life? The newness of change, the uncertainty of trying something new. Have you allowed yourself moments of rest, silence and peace away from all the noise and beckonings of the world that asks of you constantly?

Are you ok? Do you feel loved, poured into, open to receive an abundance of blessings set aside just for you, you who pours into others on the daily?

Are you honoring the promises you make to yourself? Are you extending yourself grace and forgiveness for mistakes made that are opportunities for you to grow more into the beautiful amazing creature that you are? Are you letting go of all the things that cause you heaviness of heart and giving it all over to your Creator who wants to carry them for you?

I hope you are. I hope you are feeling all the love that is for you, available to you in this present moment. Hold yourself close and hug the child inside of you. I know you are a blessing and blessed. If you forgot or doubted that this morning, I just wanted to remind you of that today. I need to be reminded often. Hoping this meets you where you are at. You are held and loved. From my heart to yours. Love S❤️