What Nourishes You?

October 9, 2024

What nourishes you? What draws you in and nurtures your soul, like a smooth drink flowing down your throat, filling your chest and settling in your belly? It’s like the blood that sustains you, like the breath that fills you when you close your eyes.

What nourishes you as you lay your head on your pillow, allowing your dreams to take you to other places? What embraces you, blends with you, and holds you close? What feeds you, enriches your spirit, and makes you feel loved and safe?

What truly nourishes you, beautiful woman? What brings you that deep sense of fulfillment? What stills the longing inside you? I want to know. It wants to be known by you. It yearns for your acknowledgment.

What nourishes you, beautiful woman? What brings you joy and peace, filling the spaces where doubt and fear once dwelled? Your journey to discover this is not just a quest; it’s an invitation to embrace all of who you are.

The beautiful woman that you are.

Love S❤️

Sherry Taveras ©️